The High Priest (Present as a couple)
The letter of the High Priest, on loving topics, tells us about a very strong, paternal and very warm love. It is also a letter that tells us that the relationships we have are well built and that both are looking for a way to go making them stronger based on affection, trust and dialogue.
For singles, this letter tells us that love will soon come into our lives. But, for this, we must be prepared to assume the role that we have. That is why we must begin to reflect on the life we want and compare it with the one we lead, so that we can see what it is that we must change so that this stable relationship that we seek so much reaches our lives.
The Judgment (Relationships as a couple)
Intimacy as a couple is not at its best and there is one of the two who does not feel the same as the other. The Judgment letter tells us that there is a great imbalance between the parties and that, precisely because of this, the intimacy is almost non-existent or it is somewhat forced.
As for singles, the letter tells them that they should not play with fire and that they should avoid all kinds of relationships that are based solely on intimacy. The letter says that these are going to suffer and that they will make someone suffer, so it is better for them to be inactive for a while and reflect on their intimate life. Be that as it may, the Judgment tells us that the intimate life we are leading right now is neither good nor positive for anyone.
La Torre (Future as a couple)
The future of the couple for those who have it can be very good as long as a series of changes are made. Things cannot continue as they are now, because there is something that is not working. If we want the relationship to advance you need to have a good conversation with your partner and set new goals to achieve together.
In the case of singles, the letter from the Tower tells them that they cannot stay single and that they must make changes to find love. What is clear is that, in any case, they cannot continue through life alone. However, the Tower warns them that the changes must be profound and that those they make will be initial, because once they find a partner, they must adapt to it if they do not want to return to this same situation.